Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Rokovnici, kalendari, posjetnice, uredski materijal

Rokovnik se koristi kao privatan planer i organizator, a isto tako je poslovan poklon sa otisnutim logotipom Vaše firme.

izvor: sito-tisak.info

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Poslovni pokloni

Poslovni pokloni – Kako izabrati poklon za partnere?!

Svake godine u ovo vrijeme počinje se razmišljati o poklonima. Iako je za privatne poklone za Božić još uvijek rano, za poslovne nije. Budući da se tu najčešće radi o većim količinama i da sve treba unaprijed odlučiti i naručiti, mi vam predlažemo da već sada o tome razmislite kako bi izbjegli stres zbog gužve i manjak vremena.

Dostupnost informacija i noviteta, pa čak i kupnje preko interneta proširilo je mogućnosti izbora poslovnih poklona. S druge strane veće mogućnosti uvijek traže i više vremena za donošenje odluke i izbor pravog poklona.

Kod odluke o poslovnim poklonima uzmite u obzir slijedeće:
- Provjerite da li postoji nekakav pravilnik u poduzeću o poslovnim poklonima. Ukoliko ga vi nemate možda imaju vaši poslovni partneri i morat ćete tome prilagoditi svoje poklone.
- Kome poklanjate, da li su to partneri ili su to maloprodajni kupci?!
- Kakav dojam želite ostaviti, da li želite biti tradicionalni, moderni, inovativni, originalni, neobični ili želite nasmijati one koji dobiju poklon?!
- Koje vrijednosti će pokloni biti, da li će se raditi samo o simboličnom poklonu s logom firme ili će to biti neki skuplji poklon?!

Prema istraživanjima u poslovnom svijetu Amerike poklanjaju se najviše:
1. kalendari i rokovnici

2. poklon bonovi za maloprodaju i restorane

3. brand proizvodi poduzeća

4. košare s voćem, hranom, slatkišima

5. buket cvijeća ili biljka i vino ili liker

Za izbor poslovnog poklona je jako važno da budu kvalitetni. Bez obzira da li se radilo o jeftinijem ili skupljem poklonu, on bi trebao biti kvalitetan. Uzmite u obzir da poslovni pokloni predstavljaju poduzeće!

Nemojte štedjeti na pakiranju. Dobro umotati poslovni poklon je jednako bitno kao i izabrati poklon. Nemojte dobar poklon upropastiti lošim pakiranjem. Ako nemate stila za to, obratite se stručnjacima. U većim prodajnim centrima često imaju odvojeni štandovi za umatanje poklona, a takvu uslugu možete dobiti i cvjećarnama.

Osobno dostavite poklone, ukoliko je to moguće. Dakle nemojte slati poštom osim ako je to neophodno. Ukoliko vaš partner priprema domjenak onda je to pravo vrijeme da ponesete svoj poklon.

izvor: www.covermagazin.com

Friday, October 2, 2009



Twenty years ago, Sharon Rowe was the only person in the checkout line at her local grocery store with a cloth bag. Checkout workers looked at her with confused stares when she refused plastic and instead placed her items inside her own cloth bag. What those checkout people didn’t know was that Sharon was onto a trend that would take another twenty years to become mainstream. They also wouldn’t realize that Sharon would be what her friends referred to as a “social agent,” that she would start the “grassroots movement” with the same people who pioneered natural products. They didn’t know that Sharon would put an end to plastic and that thousands of their future customers across the country and around the world would instead be carrying their groceries in Eco-Bags.


Originally pursuing a career in acting, Sharon’s senses became heightened when she had her first child. She became “tired of all the plastic mess,” and started to notice the increased amount of garbage all around her. She wanted a job where she could create her own schedule and work to help clean up the world for her children. Fast forward to today and Sharon is now CEO of Eco-Bags. A line of eco-friendly cloth bags that allow people to skip out on the plastic. They have been featured on the arms of Serena and Jenny on Gossip Girl and made their debut on Showtime on an episode of Weeds. She has also been featured on Oprah and in countless publications. ”


In the 90s, Sharon started Eco-Bags with the classic string tote. A bag she sold in all different colors and styles. Since then, she has created a line of canvas bags with adorable sayings and designs. Eco-bags has also teamed up with companies such as Kashi, Origins and Whole Foods to create custom pieces for specific green campaigns. Her best selling bags still include the string bags, while her cloth produce bags, which serve more of a functional purpose rather than a fashionable one, are also doing well with her customers. “They are not quite as sexy, but they will get you from A to B.” And while you can pack away as much as 25 pounds of stuff in any of her pieces, Sharon advises to stick with a more comfortable load of 15.

Three years ago, she partnered with other reusable companies to make the Eco-Bag website a one-stop shop for “eco-friendly lifestyle tools.” These products include reusable water bottles, lunch boxes and more.


Eco-bags is currently featuring a line of eco-friendly canvas totes designed by prominent artists. The bags not only serve their usual green purpose, but proceeds from their sales will go to the artist’s charity of choice. They are also working on more reusable lunch boxes for back to school and have some noteworthy partnerships coming up in the near future.

Twenty years ago, Sharon was one of an entire grocery store with a cloth bag. Now, she has finally noticed a 50/50 split between those who BYOB (bring their own bags) and those who do not. On a recent trip to Lincoln center, she peered down at the crowed. Some carried her own Eco-Bag designs, some carried paper bags and some carried cloth, but not a single person had plastic.

She notes that is the most important thing. Whatever you do, whatever bag you carry, just say no to plastic.

Also, be sure to enter our Summer Heat Sweepstakes for your chance to win an Eco-Bag!


izvor: www.whatswear.com

International Plastic Bag Free Day 12th September 2009

Welcome to the first day of National zero waste week and What a celebration!

On the final day of National zero waste week, it’s International Plastic Bag Free Day!

What Timing! What perfection!

The first ever event takes place on 12th September 2009 and was set up by a group of eco pioneers who I found through the Marine Conservation Society. The group have a ‘Plastic bag free‘ forum on Google.

The Plastic Bag Free forum is a group of individuals and communities who are working to make their local areas Plastic Bag Free, so that eventually we can make the UK a plastic bag free country.

But if rallying your community isn’t your thing, don’t worry! Just give up plastic carrier bags yourself and your actions will spread like the ripples in a pond.
If you want to promote International Plastic Bag Free day in your town, you’ll find everything you need such as posters, a press release and a list of plastic bag free towns in the UK.

Modbury in Devon was the first town in the country to say no to carrier bags on May 1st 2007 thanks to the incredible work and insight of Rebecca Hoskins

Rebecca encountered the destruction caused by carrier bag pollution first hand while Message in the Waves for the BBC. The sight of the sea filled with plastic and dying sea animals inspired her to persuade the town traders from her hometown of Modbury to stop using carrier bags and now the town are looking at other ways in which they can reduce their use of plastic.

She has written an excellent pocket book called ‘Ban the plastic bag‘ which tells you everything you need to know about developing a Community Action Plan for making your own town carrier bag free.

I have a copy of this great little book which I’m going to give away. Just leave a comment below and I’ll use a random generator to pick a lucky winner on International Plastic Bag Free day!

izvor: www.myzerowaste.com